Saturday 19 October 2019

🀷 What Makes An Effective Leader? πŸ“

WALT: Identify and use features of explanation writing.
What makes an effective leader?
Leader, also known in other words the captain or the chief. The leader is someone who leads, directs a group or organisation. In my opinion, I think that the role of a leader is very important and it’s a role that you should be effective in. But how do you become an effective leader? Explore with me these three points on what makes an effective leader!

Being dependable is a very important sequence of being an effective leader. The majority of being dependable is expecting the unexpected. Expecting the unexpected includes thinking quick on your feet. This means, if you are told to explain something to other people, you should be able to improvise quick on your feet and ready for anything coming your way. This is hard work and it takes time for you to get use to it, but it definitely showcases how much of an effective leader you are.

To add on, Being a role model is a main key that makes you an effective leader. A role model is someone who creates a positive effect that people acknowledge and put into practice. Meaning, doing the right thing is almost compulsory because you never know who’s watching! If you create a positive effect it reflects on you, your role and your peers. Mistakes can also be part of being a leader, but it's good! Because you learn from them and you can share your lessons with your peers. 

Lastly, a passionate person, someone who enjoys what their doing and spreads an optimistic vibe certainly makes an effective leader. Imagine if you were the opposite of a passionate leader. “Oh, being a leader is boring!” or “Oi, this sucks I wish I never did this.” If these things spread around your surroundings, it will put people down and look at being a leader from a low perspective. Whereas, if always be a passionate leader you will receive great response and become an inspiration.

An effective leader can be identified in many ways and definitions. Personally, I believe that being dependable, always a role model and being very passionate can strongly define an effective leader. Don’t agree with me? Try it, you will be awesome!
Task Description: Were back at school and it's our final term of the year! We have tests coming up early next week, therefore we are focusing on our main topic which is Explanation Writing - Explaining a point. In Room 2 Literacy we decided to do an explanation writing on What makes an effective leader. As always, we sat on the mat and discussed the topic and shared our ideas. Its a very easy one because amongst the class are a few school wide leaders. To extend our learning we looked at a few videos about what makes an effective leader and the explanation writing layout. I hope you picked up something from this piece of writing of writing, and remember if you have any feedback just comment below :) Thanks, Amelia.

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