Walt: Use Connectives in our explanations.

How Can We Save Money?
Money’s everywhere! People use it to travel, buy things and sometimes donate to the poor or charity. But everyone has struggled with it. I believe that everyone should start saving up money for there future and that starts with you. Yes you! I am going to be explaining to you 3 different ways on how we can save our money for good so keep reading!
One way you can save money is by Sticking to a budget. Everyday people are spending there money no matter how big it costs. Sometimes you just need to stick an budget! When I say budget I mean a good budget like around $20 or $25. Sticking to a tight budget can help the big spenders save their money and can help them buy more useful stuff besides things that they want. Well your sticking to a budget be thoughtful with what you want because you might have 60 pairs of expensive shoes and you can’t afford lunch for your family!
Another way of saving money is Buying what you need not what you want! This one is important because it’s one of the best ways you can save up! Sometimes buying the things we want is not really useful then the things we need. No one really needs stuff like jewelry, Tv’s, Phone or stuff that is trending. I believe that people should use their money wisely and stop buying stuff that are what you want unless what you want is useful. It’s up to you if you buy what you want. I’m not forcing you to but it’s a good way.
The last way to save money is by using a piggy bank. This is one of my favourite ways! Using a piggy bank is also very helpful just like the other idea’s. Is very easy to do but sometimes hard. Why you think? People don’t just put money straight into there piggy bank. Sometimes they want to spend it on lollies or drinks or something else. See It’s kind of hard! If you keep putting money the money you get in you piggy bank it will increase faster. Using a piggy bank really helps because you can save it for the future and and other important things.
Well you’ve seen my three idea’s. When you Stick to a budget, Buy what need and use a piggy bank you will feel comfortable with money and not have any problems with paying bills and food. Don’t go overboard and become a cheapskate!! Don’t spend your money everyday! It’s just the little thing you have to think about with your money. Question yourself Is the thing your buying useful? Do you really need it? I hope this will help you when you if you want to save money. Remember be Smart with your money!
Task Description: Since testing is coming up we had to do a practice explanation writing. if you don't know what explanation writing is it's just explaining a topic or a question in a writing form. We had to know the order and structure of an explanation writing in order to get it right. I found this task quite easy because I already had lot's of idea's in my head. We had to use connectives to make our writing flow well and not get mucked up!