Friday, 29 November 2019

An Intro to Static Image - READING

WALT: identify components in a novel
Task Description: This week for reading we are taking a look at Static Images. A static image is a still image that combines visual elements and words. For this presentation talks about signs and symbols. Our task was to identify and give our meaning of what static image represents. We also picked a symbol that represents us, what a colour represents and what posters show. As always, we met on the mat and discussed this task before finishing it. Here is the final presentation!

Friday, 15 November 2019

📚 READING TSK ~ MeMe and Me 📱

WALT: Evaluate the writer's purpose

Task Description: This week our book we are looking into is called MeMe and Me. It's part of a journal that I do not know the name of. As always, we read the book individually or with a partner. I read the book and tried to pick up as much information as I can. We then had to make a copy of this presentation and complete the following questions. I met on the mat with Waititi (my reading group) and discussed the book and shared a lot of information and personal perspectives. I then completed the three set of questions and went back and forth with the book to make sure my answers are accurate. This is the finishing presentation. There is still a create task to come.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

➗ MATHS - Trade and Enterprise ™️

WALT: Analyse and interpret statistical data

Task Description: This weeks maths Room 4 got to look into how people trade for different items from around the world. We are learning to (as you can see from the walt) Analyse and interpret data. We also participated in a trading activity so that we can fully complete this presentation.

Our activity was to trade different items from different countries to see who could make the most profit and/or money. In order to do this we had to get into groups. I was grouped with Acera, Jacob, Freedom and Fonua. We pretended that our groups were individual countries - that we got to name YAY! Our group name was Hone Heke (I don't even know why) the next was Mordor, Babushka, Combat and Angels. 

Mrs Stone handed out items which was electronics, oil, coffee beans and gold. Each item held some points or money we would say in the real world. Mrs Stone gave us about a minute to discuss how we are going to be trading things. We had a lot of great ideas about how we can get more profit and we were even eyeing out the other groups.

The trading then begun! We started off with Maanas who was from mordor and he wanted to sell his electronic or coffee bean for some gold. The majority of the class disagreed and decided not to give in, but my group had another plan in mind. We were willing to sell two electronics and one oil for two oils. 

Maanas agreed with our bargain, but offered more if we were to increase the amount of oil. We were discussing the fact and seeing if there was any other way we could persuade him so I yelled out "Anyone going higher?!". Chastyti agreed with our bargain and decided to give us 4 OILSSSS! Can you believe that. I think she made a mistake because the deal we had was un-fair, but hey! Were the ones making the money!

From that trade, our group was on a roll! We started to increase bit by bit in our profit and we thought that we were doing very well. Then it came to a end. Mrs Stone calculated the points and we were very confident in giving in our score. All of a sudden we were stunned! We realised there were two other groups - babushka and combat had a higher amount of points than us. I mean but HOW?!!!

We called Mrs Stone for a objection and explained that they didn't even make some trades and were still ahead of us. Then realisation hit me. Not all countries have the same amount of money. Some are wealthy some are not. I let out a satisfied look. Mrs Stone purposely shared the items out un-evenly because of this matter.

This task was one of my favourites! I learnt how to be more persuasive, calculate and trade well. I think that our group improved in profit, because our country started off as a poor one and with a few trades and deals we ended up increasing a lot in profit. This task really made me think. Thank You Mrs Stone.

Monday, 11 November 2019

🦠 Genomics - Smallest to Largest Living Organisms 🦠

WALT: Place organisms on a continuum.
Task Description: This middle block, Room 4 are working on genomics. To calm ourselves we had a silent SSR session then we moved onto the the real deal. Today we are also in practising how to be in a class at college. We had the whole college class layout and Mrs Stone shifted into the mode of a college teacher. Our task was to put in order from the smallest to the largest type of an animal living organism. These were my picks out of many.