Tuesday, 24 December 2019

πŸ‘©β€βœˆοΈ SLJ ~ W1 ll D2: UP IN THE AIR ll ACTIVTY 1 βœˆοΈπŸ’¨

DAY 2: UP IN THE AIR βœˆοΈπŸ’¨

Image Attribution: Amelia Earhart in airplane,
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Washington, Public Domain.
Jean Batten was a famous aviator (pilot) who was born in Rotorua, New Zealand in 1909. In the 1930s she made several record-breaking solo flights (on her own) across the world. In fact, she was the first person to fly solo from England to New Zealand - a huge achievement! She also flew a number of long solo flights between England and Australia/Brazil. When she flew, she always took a silk dress with her so that she could look beautiful at the parties she attended upon her arrival.

Amelia Earhart was an American aviator who lived at about the same time as Jean Batten. Like Jean, she also flew solo. In fact, she was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She flew all the way from Canada to Northern Ireland on her own without stopping. In 1937, Amelia Earhart attempted to circumnavigate (go right around) the world. Unfortunately, the flight ended in tragedy when she disappeared near Howland Island, about halfway between Australia and Hawaii. She was never found. 

For this activity, compare and contrast these two aviators. You could use this venn diagram.

On your blog, share your comparison between the two women and be sure to include at least three similarities and three differences between these two aviators.

Task Description: Kia Ora fellow blog-viewers! This is the first task of day 2 (up in the air) of the Summer Learning Journey. Today my friends, I learnt about two amazing women, who both had a great passion for flying solo. These two women were Jean Batten and Amelia Earhart. The first thing I did was read the task information. It gave a us a short background to Jean and Amelia's lives. I found a lot of very useful information while reading. Our task was to write similarities and differences between the two. For these kind of tasks I would usually use a venn diagram, but I decided to change things up a bit. I used google draw to create this activity. All graphics were drawn by me using polyline. I found a lot of information from different sites on google. I also found a site that was dedicated to Amelia's entire life! I found this task interesting and gave me a big insight into solo flying with women. Thank you for reading this post and leave a comment below :)


DAY 1: EXPLORES πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώβ›΅ 


Image Attribution: Hillary and Tenzing on
return from the summit of Everest,
Jamling Tenzing Norgay, CC BY-SA 3.0
In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary and his sherpa (guide), Tenzing Norgay, were the first people to reach the summit of Mt Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. 

At the time, Edmund Hillary was an apiarist (beekeeper) from Auckland, New Zealand. During the summer he worked as a beekeeper, and during the winter, he climbed mountains. Becoming the first person to summit Everest was not easy. In fact, Edmund Hillary attempted (tried) to climb to the top of Mt Everest three times before he succeeded. He was determined to reach the top!

While this famous explorer and climber is mostly remembered for being the first person to reach the summit of Mt Everest, he has also made a huge impact on the world through his charity work. In 1960, Sir Edmund Hillary set up the Himalayan Trust to bring education, healthcare and safe drinking water to the people of Nepal - the country where Mt Everest is located.

For this activity, please select a charity that you are interested in. You may choose your own or use one from our list (below). Read about the charity.

List of Possible Charities:


Auckland City Mission

Air Rescue


On your blog, write a short explanation of what the charity does.

Pink Shirt Day is a charity that helps prevent bullying in general. This whole charity or celebration day started in a school (which I will share the story after). Pink Shirt Day is celebrated annually across the world. Here in New Zealand, Pink Shirt Day's focus is on building workplaces, communities and schools where our whanau are able to have a sense of belonging (like being safe), valued and well respected by there surroundings.  

HOW IT STARTED: This movement all started with two very brave students in Canada, who decided to stand up against bullying. These students decided to do this because of one other student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. Now this is a world-wide celebration where people get to wear a pink shirt or some sort of pink attire.

For more in depth information, please visit the Pink Shirt Day site :)

Task Description: This is my completed work for the last task of day 1. As you may already know, this task is called scaling new heights. First I read the text that included information about Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay about they're famous climb to the top of Mt Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. It also shared information about how Edmund Hilary created a charity called the Himalayan Trust to the people of Nepal. Our task was to choose are charity we are interested in and write a short explanation of what they do. I chose to do a charity called Pink Shirt Day. This task was very easy and It helped me learn how to keep things short and sweet, rather then go on and on! Thanks for reading this blog-post and feel free to leave a comment below :)

Saturday, 21 December 2019

πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡΄ πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώ SLJ ~ W1 D1: EXPLORES ll ACTIVITY 2 πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡΄ πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώ

DAY 1: EXPLORES πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώβ›΅ 
Image Attribution: Portrait of Abel Tasman, Jacob Gerritsz. Cuyp, Public Domain
Many people believe that Kupe was the first explorer to discover Aotearoa, New Zealand in about 1300. He navigated his way by waka to Aotearoa from Hawaiki using traditional Polynesian navigation techniques - just like Nainoa Thompson (from Activity 1) did much later on. Legend says that he followed a great octopus all the way to Aotearoa/New Zealand and finally destroyed it in Cook Strait (the water between the North and South Islands).
Image Attribution: Kupe by Sid Mosdell is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Many years later, a Dutch explorer from The Netherlands, Abel Tasman, was exploring the Pacific Ocean when he came across New Zealand. He thought that he was the first person to β€˜discover’ the country (despite the fact that Māori already lived in New Zealand!) and made the claim in 
1642 that he had β€˜discovered’ a new land. His exploration of New Zealand inspired many other European explorers to follow his lead and travel to the Oceania.

Kupe and Abel Tasman were two different men from two very different backgrounds (cultures) who shared a common interest - exploration.


For this activity we would like you to think about your own experiences and your own cultural background. Where does your family come from? Do they come from Europe like Abel Tasman, Polynesia like Kupe, or somewhere else?
On your blog, please tell us about your cultural background. Where do you and your family come from?

Task Description: This is my completed task for activity 2 of day 1. As you have may read from the instructions above, my task was to explain my cultural background - about where me and my family come from. I decided to present my work using google presentation. I found this task very easy because I already know a background about my whanau which I am really proud to say. I think that sharing and knowing your background is something very important because it defines who you are and where your roots are based. Thank you for reading this blog-post and don't be afraid to leave a comment! I love to hear other people's thoughts and ideas.


DAY 1: EXPLORES πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώβ›΅ 
 INFO BELOW (NOT WRITTEN BY ME ALL CREDITS TO SLJ)Image Attribution: Polynesian navigation device showing directions of winds, waves and islands, S. Percy Smith, Public Domain

People from Pacific nations have always been expert explorers and navigators. In the past, they used the stars, sun and ocean swells to find their way (navigate) around the Pacific Ocean. Master navigator, Nainoa Thompson, has used the ancient Polynesian wayfinding skills to navigate around the world. In 2013, Nainoa led a crew across the Pacific Ocean on two large canoes (Hokule’a and Hikianalia). The crew stopped off in Aotearoa, New Zealand in 2015 on their journey and visited the Manaiakalani Schools in Auckland.
Here is a short video about Polynesian navigation. It describes the different ways ancient Polynesian navigators used the natural world to find their way around vast oceans. Incredible!

I think that it would be difficult to be β€˜at sea’ for weeks at a time. I would miss my family but I would also enjoy the adventure. Let’s imagine that you were invited to join Nainoa for three weeks at sea. As part of the journey, you have to pack your own food.


For this activity, make a list of ten food items that you could take with you. Please think carefully about what you will take as you won’t have access to a refrigerator or freezer while at sea. Please explain why you would select each item.

On your blog, post your list of 10 food items you would take on an ocean voyage and the reasons why you chose these items.

*Remember to attribute any images that you borrow from the internet or from other people.

*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!
*Note: I think if I were to actually participate in this journey, I would probably last for a few days without packing food. The reason for this, Is because during the voyage I could try and catch some good fish (snapper or pompano would sound nice!) I am full Tongan, and oh boy raw fish is a family favourite!*

1. Dried Fruit & Nuts - I would take this because its really delicious and also healthy. You wouldn't want to go out in the ocean and be eating the wrong foods, that will do you no good! Another benefit you would get from this is that there's not much things you have to do to sustain it. 

2. Chips - Oh yes! I would definitely bring some packets of chips during my voyage. Chips will be really easy to bring and are a great addition to snack time. I'm also in love with chips (which is a bad thing) so I will really enjoy this snack.

3. Fruit - Looking at healthy options again, fruits will be a compulsory food Item I would take with me. Fruits are packed with good nutrients which will have a positive effect on your body. You want to be able to be in good shape and have a clever brain as to what you are doing during your voyage.

4. Goodies! - You can never go wrong with goodies :) Lollies would be another food item added on my list. Though its not the best option, you do wanna have some tasty goods during your very long time out at sea! But, always remember not to consume too much as you wanna be able to complete tasks well during the voyage.

5. Bread - Bread is one of those foods that you can probably NEVER live without! This is why you would probably need bread to come along with you. It does contain fat and sugar, but its also Fibre, Protein, Iron, Vitamins and other minerals which could help you last. You could probably make sandwiches too!

6. Rice - Rice is a food item that would be a good idea to bring! Rice gives you a great source of energy, this will be needed since you'll be multitasking a lot. Its also dry and easy to transfer. Its up to you whether to have it pre-made or packed dry and fresh. What would you recommend ?

7. Muesli or Protein Bars - Muesli and Proteins bars would also be on my compulsory list of food items. Its another really easy to transport food item, as they just come in boxes and are sealed in tight packaging. Its also a scrumptious and healthy snack!

8. Corned Beef - Corned beef is known to all islanders as a desired food. I would definitely bring along corned beef with me. Of course this is another one of those not healthy options, but it's really tasty in my opinion and I would eat it a lot.

9. Cheese Crackers - To me plain crackers are like a substitute to bread, which is boring! That's why I would bring cheese crackers! Instead of bringing cheese and crackers separately, why not bring them with a whole new level of packed flavour!

10. Biscuits or Cookies - Since I can't pick between the two, why not let YOU (the reader) pick them for me :) Both are a very appetizing foods and are also added to the snacks list. You may think they are not healthy but actually you can bring healthy ones like paleo biscuits! I bet it's just as tasty and its also packed with carbs too!

Task Description: Greetings fellow bloggers and viewers, and welcome to my first activity for this years blogging competition, The Summer Learning Journey. Everyday, I will try my best to blog an activity which I can earn points from! This is my first day and it's called EXPLORES. For this task I had to watch a video that explains Polynesian navigation and how they used signs from above to navigate there way around the world. My activity was to write 10 foods I would bring along on my journey. I had to keep in mind that I will have no access to a fridge or a freezer. I thought the task would be hard, but I ended up completing it! Please stay tuned for more blog-posts and also leave a positive comment below. Ka kite :)

Wednesday, 4 December 2019


Task Description: Kia Ora Lads! This term for extension we have been looking at Ultra Violet light also known as UV light. This was a task that went on  for the whole term. I was grouped with Amira and Zaeeda. For the task, we each had variety of questions that we got to choose to research. I used a lot of sites to research about ultra violet light. I found and learned a lot of information that I was unfamiliar about. I hope you enjoy this very long presentation. :) Be safe in the sun children!