Hello, and welcome to another blog-post from your's truely! To start off, I'd like to say a huge happy samoan πΌπΈ language week to ya'll. If your new to this NZ does likes to keep cultures alive by celebrating them in different dates. This week it's Samoan language week!
To celebrate Samoan language week we decided to connect our weekly korero with this weeks language week. This weeks korero is Say it properly, Please! A lot of different cultures have names that not everyone is famalliar with. So, always be aware of peoples names because when you say it wrong they can feel a little bit hurt inside. Always ask the person how to pronounce there name first and then you will know. I hope you take this korero and put it onto practice! Happy Samoan Language Week πΌπΈ
Friday, 31 May 2019
Prefect Korero ππΌ Happy Samoan Language Week πΌπΈ
Thursday, 30 May 2019
On the Dinosaur Trail ~ INFO WEB POSTER π¦
WALT: condense and paraphrase key ideas in a text
Task Description: For my final task, I was told to create a Information Web Poster. This is a poster that has information about something you have been focusing on. I did exactly the thing for this task. This week we are reading a new book called On the Dinosaur Trail. After reading the book and going over it I have picked up some facts from the book and I have established those facts into this poster above. I had four facts to share with everyone about the book and I found these facts very intersting! I hope you enjoyed this blog post and remember to stay tuned for more.
On the Dinosaur Trail ~ Review π¦
Walt: condense and paraphrase key ideas in a text.
Tittle: On the Dinosaur Trail
Written By: Sue Gibbision
Genre: Non - Fiction (Real)
In this Non - Fiction story, there is a man named Dr Browne who has discovered a mystery footprint down in the Whanganui inlet, New Zealand. Dr Browne knew this was a footprint by an animal of somewhat. That was Dr Browne's mission! He questioned himself a lot and did a lot of reaserch on the mysterious print and ended with an answer; A Dinosaur?! Dr Browne was confident in his theorie and had back up information to prove it. But to expose his theorie to the world he had to go through what sciencetists call a "peer review". In this review the sciencetists agreed with Dr Browne's statement which allowed him to expose his theorie.
For someone like be who doesn't really like or learn much about dinosaurs, I quite liked this little book. I enjoyed reading the different facts in the book which encouraged me to learn more facts about dinosaurs. The bit that surprised me is that the footprint was found here in NZ π¦! I have never heard of any Dinosaur foot print findings in New Zealand. My favorite fact I learnt was that the the whole world used to be one continet and then split up and that New Zealand used to be called Zelandia.
After reading the text, I think that this book can be reccomend for students for Year 6 and up. I think this because the language would be more sutiable for the ages which will help them understand it more. This is also a good book because at this age children are starting to look at their future and what they want to be therefore, this book would be a great fit for those who are looking for a job of a sciencetists or a palentologists!
Task Description: Part of our tasks for this week is to write a review about the book called On the Dinosaur Trail that we have read and also have watched. For this task we had to write a review explaining what is going on in the book, what we enjoyed about it, a key message or a fact and who would we reccomend this book to. These were all required in the review. I enjoyed reading this book and I hope we dig in to more reaserch about dinosaurs.
Tittle: On the Dinosaur Trail
Written By: Sue Gibbision
Genre: Non - Fiction (Real)

After reading the text, I think that this book can be reccomend for students for Year 6 and up. I think this because the language would be more sutiable for the ages which will help them understand it more. This is also a good book because at this age children are starting to look at their future and what they want to be therefore, this book would be a great fit for those who are looking for a job of a sciencetists or a palentologists!
Task Description: Part of our tasks for this week is to write a review about the book called On the Dinosaur Trail that we have read and also have watched. For this task we had to write a review explaining what is going on in the book, what we enjoyed about it, a key message or a fact and who would we reccomend this book to. These were all required in the review. I enjoyed reading this book and I hope we dig in to more reaserch about dinosaurs.
π¦ Amelia & AJ ~ On the Dinosaur Trail π¦
WALT: condense and paraphrase key ideas in a text
Task Description: For this week, Campion has been working on a new Reading task called On the Dinosaur Trail. Our task was to read the online text and video and then complete the following tasks online on the class site. Me and AJ worked together for this particular task. We had to answer a few questions that check our understanding towards the text and also share our own opinions. To find the answers highlighted in red me and AJ read through the book and checked which one fit best. Once we finished we rated ourselfs on how well we have done. Stay tuned for more posts!
Task Description: For this week, Campion has been working on a new Reading task called On the Dinosaur Trail. Our task was to read the online text and video and then complete the following tasks online on the class site. Me and AJ worked together for this particular task. We had to answer a few questions that check our understanding towards the text and also share our own opinions. To find the answers highlighted in red me and AJ read through the book and checked which one fit best. Once we finished we rated ourselfs on how well we have done. Stay tuned for more posts!
Friday, 24 May 2019
The Grateful Crane - Retold By Amelia
WALT: make connections between a text, ourselves and the world
Task Description: If you have read the previous blog-post that you know about this folk tale. If not please read that in order for you to understand this. After completing the previous task the next one was to retell the story of the Grateful Crane in our own words. I find retelling stories hard because I always stick to one part of a story more than another and it just makes the story longer. That's why you it's very long! I used google drawing to re-write the story of the grateful crane. I hope you enjoy this task and reading the retold story the Japanese folk tale grateful crane.
The Grateful Crane - Reading
Walt: Interpret figurative language
Task Description: Today is Friday so I figured to do more finishing off work. This work is from a the first week and right now I am feeling happy to post this :) This weeks reading is based on a interesting Japanese folk tale. There were two versions of the tale one movie and one in text. After watching the video or reading the text we were then given this presentation to test our knowledge on this folk tale. I learnt a good message from this tale and I recommend it to a whole lot of people.
Task Description: Today is Friday so I figured to do more finishing off work. This work is from a the first week and right now I am feeling happy to post this :) This weeks reading is based on a interesting Japanese folk tale. There were two versions of the tale one movie and one in text. After watching the video or reading the text we were then given this presentation to test our knowledge on this folk tale. I learnt a good message from this tale and I recommend it to a whole lot of people.
Blog Commenting!
Hey Blog Viewers, First of all I'd like you to visit a beautiful girls blog name Maddison! We have been getting in touch after what happened in Christchurch but, reading her blog posts looks like they have been doing well which is good to see! I decided to post a comment back on her blog. Please, Please! Visit her amazing blog. She has very amazing, effective blog posts and has inspiring ones too. Thank you for reading this blog and Maddison if you're reading this I admire your amazing blog posts!
Prefect Korero - T.E.A.M
Part of being a prefect role is making korero's for the school. Korero's are little messages, themes or word of the day we leave for the school and they learn from that korero and put it into their actions in school. This weeks korero is T.E.A.M - Together, Everyone, Achivies, More! We made a little video to showcase the korero. Enjoy whanau!
Monday, 13 May 2019
Maths - Coordinate Conundrums
WALT: identify coordinates and use grid references to give directions
Task Description: For maths, I decided to finish off last weeks work before I move on this this weeks. The topic for last weeks maths is Coordinate Conundrums. In our presentations we are given different levels to work on. I decided to work on the 1st level because i'm not really confident in this type of maths. We worked on a treasure map and tried to locate where a certain place was using coordinates. We also had a extra question about the treasure map.
Task Description: For maths, I decided to finish off last weeks work before I move on this this weeks. The topic for last weeks maths is Coordinate Conundrums. In our presentations we are given different levels to work on. I decided to work on the 1st level because i'm not really confident in this type of maths. We worked on a treasure map and tried to locate where a certain place was using coordinates. We also had a extra question about the treasure map.
Saturday, 11 May 2019
Reading - Create Task - My Ending
WALT: make connections between a text, ourselves and the world
Task Description: Today for reading one of our tasks for this week is to write a little ending to our story that we have been reading called battle. This was part of the task because at the end of the book battle it was like those to be continued endings. I advise you to read my previous blog post which is my review about the story then this ending will make sense. I thought this task was very interesting because we got a chance to write it any way we desired. I hope you enjoyed this little ending that I have written and please stay tuned for more blog posts whanau, thanks :)
Friday, 10 May 2019
Reading Task - Battle Review
WALT: make connections between a text, ourselves and the world
Today I am writing a review about our reading text for this week which is called Battle. This story is written Maria Samuela and is a fiction type of story. So, in the story their are a few main characters but the one who was mostly involved in the story is a boy named Timiona.
In the story I would describe Timiona as a really shy boy but overcame that fear throughout the story. I think this because in the story him and a couple of friends held a dance competition. In the competition there was one absolutely great dancer named Moera (a girl). She was winning the dance comp so far. Timiona was really scared because he took a really special medal earned by his Papa Ari that his mother strictly forbid anyone from taking that from the house. Timiona thought that taking the medal would give him good luck for the competition. Timiona had became a whole lot more nervous when he realised that it was gone. Poor Timiona :(
Fast forward, Timiona's name had been called to compete against the talented Lucy who was dominating the competition so far. Timiona was getting even more nervous but he tried to push that though away when remembering all his hard work and practice he has put into this competition and kind of felt a little bit better after that. Timiona then began busting moves like nothing and had the crowd going crazy. Though it was clear who won the battle but he walked home very sad because he still couldn't find the medal and knew what's coming. Once he got home he saw his mother holding a Papa Ari's medal with her head cocked to one side.
Sadly, The story ended there but it seemed like Timiona was going to get into some trouble! I think that the writer tried to send a life lesson to some kids about listening because even though Timiona won he never knew what was in store for his actions. After reading the book I thought exactly like this and I am going to put this into practice. I think that this is a great book for years 6 to 8 because it's very cool and also sends a great message to these age groups. Overall this was a great book and I would read it again!

In the story I would describe Timiona as a really shy boy but overcame that fear throughout the story. I think this because in the story him and a couple of friends held a dance competition. In the competition there was one absolutely great dancer named Moera (a girl). She was winning the dance comp so far. Timiona was really scared because he took a really special medal earned by his Papa Ari that his mother strictly forbid anyone from taking that from the house. Timiona thought that taking the medal would give him good luck for the competition. Timiona had became a whole lot more nervous when he realised that it was gone. Poor Timiona :(
Fast forward, Timiona's name had been called to compete against the talented Lucy who was dominating the competition so far. Timiona was getting even more nervous but he tried to push that though away when remembering all his hard work and practice he has put into this competition and kind of felt a little bit better after that. Timiona then began busting moves like nothing and had the crowd going crazy. Though it was clear who won the battle but he walked home very sad because he still couldn't find the medal and knew what's coming. Once he got home he saw his mother holding a Papa Ari's medal with her head cocked to one side.
Sadly, The story ended there but it seemed like Timiona was going to get into some trouble! I think that the writer tried to send a life lesson to some kids about listening because even though Timiona won he never knew what was in store for his actions. After reading the book I thought exactly like this and I am going to put this into practice. I think that this is a great book for years 6 to 8 because it's very cool and also sends a great message to these age groups. Overall this was a great book and I would read it again!
Thursday, 9 May 2019
Reading Task - Battle
WALT: make connections between a text, ourselves and the world
Task Description: This week I have finally finished my reading task. There are still more tasks to go elaborating about this story Battle that I have read. Now our task for this week was to read the text we were given which was called Battle. After reading the text using the knowledge I got from the text I answered all the questions in the presentation. I found them really interesting and fun. This is the finish product.
Task Description: This week I have finally finished my reading task. There are still more tasks to go elaborating about this story Battle that I have read. Now our task for this week was to read the text we were given which was called Battle. After reading the text using the knowledge I got from the text I answered all the questions in the presentation. I found them really interesting and fun. This is the finish product.
Friday, 3 May 2019
What is Longitude and Latitude?
This is a little activity we were instructed to do. Not many people know a lot about Longitude and Latitude so if that's you this is for you. Using my knowledge I wrote down what I knew about the two and what it would be around the world. This is what I have done and this is also an image of the longitude and latitude of PES :)
I like your Latitude!
WALT: Use compass directions to describe location.
Today, Room 4 kicked off the day with inquiry. If you read my previous blog-post then you know what our current theme is for this term which is I Like Your Latitude. Anyways, Mrs Stone gave us a task to answer different questions about New Zealand using our knowledge about Latitude and Longitude. If you click the blue icon then you can see my answers to each question. Enjoy and I hope you learn more about New Zealand.
Today, Room 4 kicked off the day with inquiry. If you read my previous blog-post then you know what our current theme is for this term which is I Like Your Latitude. Anyways, Mrs Stone gave us a task to answer different questions about New Zealand using our knowledge about Latitude and Longitude. If you click the blue icon then you can see my answers to each question. Enjoy and I hope you learn more about New Zealand.
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