Saturday, 31 August 2019

πŸ¦‡ Vampire Bats πŸ¦‡ ~ Create TSK πŸ“š

WALT: Justify our opinion on a topic
Task Description: If you visited my previous blog-post then here is my create task on vampire bats. If you haven't I advise to visit that blog post if you want to :) Kia Ora fellow blog viewers, This is our create task for our reading topic (Vampire Bats) this week. Our create task was to upgrade our assigned animal - meaning picking the weak things out of the animal to make it new and improved. I used a google draw to create this. After scanning through our given text, I picked out all the weaknesses/causes inside the Vampire Bats and put it into this google draw. This is the finishing blog post!

πŸ¦‡Vampire BatsπŸ¦‡ ~ Reading TSKπŸ“š

Walt: Justify our opinion on a topic
Task Description: This week for Room 2's reading class, we took a focus on Vampire Bats. Before we did this Ms Tapuke provided us with an article all about vampire bats down to the details and also a video from national geography about vampire bats as well. We also met in our reading groups to discuss about vampire bats. Reading/Watching these videos helped me improve my knowledge on the mammal which then lead me to the presentation. This presentation consists of remembering facts about the vampire bats, I used my knowledge about vampire bats to complete this task. Create task will come after this post :) Thanks for reading this blog post and tune in for more!

Friday, 23 August 2019

Maths βž— ~ Volume of different shapes πŸ“

WALT: Calculate Volume
Task Description: I'd like to give you all a formal apology for the lack of maths work I have been putting on my blog. I'm just starting to find my way around so I do hope I will be able to share more work :) For a little activity in maths we decided to recover our learning on volume. In this task we had to try and find the volume in these different 3D shapes. For example: To figure out the cylinder I had to calculate the different YARDS by using radius and pie. It's a really challenging task which does include a calculator. This is just a mini update but I'm sure I will bring more maths to by blog :) Amelia ~

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

πŸ™ Octopus Facts πŸ™ ~ Makayla & Amelia πŸ–‡οΈ

πŸ™ Octopus Facts πŸ™ ~ Makayla & Amelia πŸ–‡οΈ
Task Description: This week we have been learning about Octopus! To start off, we all sat down on the mat and shared what we already knew or learned about the octopus. We then watched a video all focused on the octopus itself. We definitely picked up a lot of facts and even though we knew some already the video allowed us to look into the fact in depth. Me and Makayla then partnered to make this presentation all about the Octopus. We used all the facts that we learnt from the previous video to fufill this presentation. I hope you enjoy :)

Makayla's Blog

Saturday, 17 August 2019


WALT: Discuss and justify an opinion on a topic

Task Description: This week in Room 2's reading class (Miss Tapuke) We have been learning about De-extinction. What is De-extinction? De-extinction is where scientists bring back extinct animals from the past through complex methods. As you can see I have put the dinosaur on my tittle as a example of an animal that is seemingly known to be extinct. In order to complete this presentation we had to read through an article about de-extinction and the pros as well as the cons of bringing back animals. Do you have an opinion on whether we should bring these extinct animals back to life? Leave a comment and let me know because I am very interested in hearing what you think!

Friday, 16 August 2019

KORERO πŸ˜„ ll BN2TGG+W πŸ‘πŸΌ

TASK DESCRIPTION: GOOD EVENING OR MORNING! (to you fellow reader) As you know every Friday our school creates a korero (word or reminder of the week) This weeks korero is BN2TGG+W which stands for BE NICE 2 THE GRASS GARDENS + WALLS. During the week the weather has been kind of off which causes many things to happen like mud puddles, wet children, rubbish everywhere and a whole lot of crazy things. This is why we chose this korero so that we can try and get the message throughout the whole school. 

Friday, 2 August 2019

Measurement Madness πŸ“βž—

WALT: Calculate area, perimeter and volume
Task Description: This week for maths we are working on to convert fractions, decimals and percantages. I can tell you that I hurt my brain trying to figure the perimeter and area of different shapes although, I did definently learnt many types of tricks and maths stratigies during this process. In this presentation, you will see that I have completed three slides this week. I hope you enjoy me hurting my brain and learning lot's!