Hey everyone this is my last post for blogging. It's been a great time blogging in the holidays and making kindness go viral. I can’t blog tomorrow because I have white sunday tomorrow at church and it will be very busy. I will still be blogging for the rest of the term tho. I’m looking forward for term 2 and the holidays ending. I also missed school so I’m looking forward to going back. Hope you enjoyed my blog posts bye!
Saturday, 30 April 2016
Friday, 29 April 2016
Decimal Equations
This is my Decimal Equations. I am learning how to solve by using a method
of tens and ones. Hope you enjoy!
Decimal Equations,
Pt England
Thursday, 28 April 2016
Maths in the holidays
I haven’t been doing some maths in the holiday so I decided to do some Maths Whizz.
If you don’t really know what Maths Whizz is, it is a learning program in our school where we learn Maths in our chromebooks. We also do Maths Whizz to get a lot of improvement. 

Maths Whizz,
Pt England
Beach Art Work
In the holidays I decided to do some drawing and try to make up my imagination. I decide to draw a beach. My favorite bit of drawing was the palm tree. The palm tree was very interesting to draw.
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Word For You Today
This is a christian book, as you can see it is called Word For You Today. I got the book from salvation army for free. My mum said to me to try it and I said sure. The book Word For You Today talks about bible stories, What you can do to encourage people, Praying and all sorts of stuff. The book is starting to help me encourage hard stuff I am going through. Word For You Today is for the little kids to read, not that much kids are interested in it though. The parents book is called Word For Today. My mum reads the Word For today almost everyday. I hope you enjoy and get Word For You Today if you want.
Monday, 25 April 2016
Amelia Cinderella re writen Part 2
Well Cindy was in bad tears the mice were trying to give her comfort. Just then someone was telling her “Stop crying my dear”. When Cindy heard that kind voice she stopped crying and saw a woman sitting next to her with a blue hoodie. Cindy said,”Who are you”. “I’m your Fairy Godmother”,she said. Cindy replied,”Oh well nice to meet you”. “You too”,said Fairy GodMother. Fairy GodMother said,”Now why are you crying”. Cindy said,”Well my mice friends made me a beautiful Pink dress know it’s torn apart into dirty rags because of my 2 evil step sisters”. Fairy GodMother said,”Oh Well I want you to go and find the biggest pumpkin and 7 of one of your mice friends”. “Here you go”, said Cindy. Fairy GodMother turned the Pumpkin that Cindy got into a horse carriage with her magic wand and magic words Bibbide-Bobbidi-Boo. Then she pointed her wand to the 7 mice and Bibbide-Bobbidi-Boo Gusgus became the the driver and the other 6 mices became beautiful white horses. Cindy was amazed. After that she looked at Cindy and said,”Oh we do not want you to look like that at the ball”. So she waved her wand at Cindy and said Bibbide-Bobbidi-Boo. Cinderella looked like a beautiful princess. Cindy said,”Oh thank you Fairy GodMother thank you”. “I’ve given you some beautiful glass slippers too”said Fairy GodMother. Fairy GodMother also said,“Know hurry you do not want to miss out all the fun also this is very important I need you to come back at 12 o'clock that's when the magic spell ends”. “Right” said Cindy. Then she went of to the ball. When Cindy got to the ball all eyes were on her. As she walked pass her Stepmother and stepsisters they did not recognize Cindy. As she got near Prince William he was amazed. Even the Queen and King was amazed the King said,”Know that what I call a princess”. Prince William immediately asks Cindy if they could dance Cindy excepted it. Her stepmother and evil sisters were jealous and mad. Cindy was really happy. Suddenly the she saw the clock it was almost 12 o’clock. Leaving Prince William standing she rushed down stairs and well she was rushing she did not know that one of her beautiful glass slippers were still on the stairs she kept on running. When the clock struck 12 o’clock her dress turned back into dirty rags the carriage turned back into a pumpkin and the mices turned back into their own selves. But Cindy and the mices kept running and made it back home. Prince William was way behind when he saw her glass slipper he had something in his mind.
Saturday, 23 April 2016
Amelia Cinderella story re writen Part 1
Once upon a time there lived a mother with 2 girls name Lily and Grace. There was another girl name Cinderella or for short Cindy. Cindy’s dad had a wife but she died so he married again to Lily and Grace’s mother. After a few years Cindy’s dad died and all was left was a evil stepmother and to evil sisters. Cindy’s only friend was Gus gus and his mice friends. Cindy was very humble to her stepmother and evil sisters. One day there was a knock on the Door,”Knock Knock Knock”. Cindy opened the door and it was the may. He said,”This is a letter for your mother about the ball ”. “The BALL when is the ball”, said Cindy. The may replied and said,”All the information is in the letter”. Then he went off. Cindy took a little peek and saw that the ball was held by Prince William. It said he is looking for his Princess. Cindy’s evil stepmother was practicing singing with Lily and Grace. Cinderella’s stepmother said not to disturb her well she is working. So Cindy had to wait for 30 minutes for them to finish. Cindy finish off her chores. When they finished singing she handed the letter. Stepmother said,”Oh each and every girl has to come plus it’s tonight”. Stepmother was planning to not let Cindy go. Cindy was watching and stepmother said,”CHOP CHOP back to chores. On that night Cindy did not have a dress. Lily said,” Are you going to the ball”. Cindy replied,”No because I don't have a dress”. Stepmother Lily and grace smiled. Gus gus heard the bad news and told his friends to make Cindy a costume for the ball. Well Lily and Grace were dressing up they threw out a lot of materials and necklaces that they did not need. Gus gus saw the waste and took it to his mice friends to renew. They sang and sewed the dress the whole way. Until the big finishing touches. Gus gus ran to Cindy and walked Cindy to her room. As she took one step the light turned on the and the mices said,”SURPRISE”. “Oh it is WONDERFUL now I can go to the ball”, said Cindy. As stepmother Lily and Grace were going to walk out the door Cindy ran down stairs and said,”I can go to the ball now I’ve got a dress”. Lily and Grace were shocked.
After that they started to rip her clothes apart and then go to the ball. All was left was pink dirty rags. Cindy was very very sad she ran outside to the bench and started to cry.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Saturday, 16 April 2016
8 bit art drawings
These is my 8 bit art drawings. I drew the tongan flag and and a minnion. My favorite drawing was the minnon. It took alot of pations to create the minon. Hope you enjoy.
Friday, 15 April 2016
Make kindness go viral in the holidays!
This is my post about making kindness go viral in the holidays. Hope you enjoy and HAPPY HOLIDAYS.
My Volcano
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
FiaFia DVD
Walt: Make a poster for the Fiafia DVD
Task Description: This is my poster for the Pt England DVD. Hope you enjoy and buy it.
FiaFia Night
Walt: organise my ideas into paragraphs and link them together. |
Did you come to watch our Pt England FiaFia event? Last week on Thursday Pt England school held a FiaFia event, FiaFia it was an amazing experience.
If you did not know FiaFia is when families gather around to watch their kids perform in their dance cultures. FiaFia was last week on Thursday the 7th of April,2016, It was held on the school field under a big markque, FiaFia used to be in the hall but not anymore. Thousands and thousands of people were welcomed to the big event.
The group that I was in was the the middle Hip Hop group. Which was a combination of Year 4 5’s and year 6’s. I had three choices to pick which group I should be in. Which was Tongan girls Hip Hop and kapa Haka. I got picked to be in the Hip Hop group. I choose the Hip Hop group because I always used to be in the Tongan girls and I didn't get to experience a lot of groups. We have been practicing for 6 weeks, and we pick up the dance really quickly. The songs were Love Yourself by Justin Bieber, Desert by Dawin and Jump around by snoop dogg.
My favorite group performance was hard to pick there were all amazing but my favorite one was the senior samoan group. The samoan group did a traditional song called Samoa e Maopoopo Mai. It was my favorite dance because it was calming and it had nice dance moves.
FiaFia was a great experience. I highly recommend you to come FiaFia because there’s a lot of fun stuff to do. I hope you come along on next year's FiaFia.
Task Description: This is my writing about Fiafia night. Did you go Fiafia. This is my 4 year of doing Fiafia. I'm am looking forward for 2017's Fiafia.
Friday, 8 April 2016
My Coding Vocaburlary
Walt: understand why coding is important to learn.
Task Description: This is my Vocabulary coding work. As you can see I am writing the meaning of these words about coding. Hope you enjoy my Vocabulary.
Task Description: This is my Vocabulary coding work. As you can see I am writing the meaning of these words about coding. Hope you enjoy my Vocabulary.
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Amelia Coding Advice blog
Walt: understand why coding is important to learn. |
Task Description: This is my coding advice blog. My friend Dylan stoped by to ask about HTML and coding. Dylan said he does not know about HTML coding and if his 10 and 7 year old daughter is allowed to do coding? Hope you enjoy
Advice Blog,
Mr Goodwin,
Pt England,
My fun camp experience
Walt: organise my ideas into paragraphs and link them together.
Last week the whole of the year 5&6’s had camp. I have never been on camp at the school field so it was my first time at camp. Have you ever been on camp? I was a year 5 this year which means I get to have camp again.
I really wanted to go camp because I did not want to miss out all the fun. Well we were camping I got to know kids that I didn't know in the year 6’s. We got splitted into 5 teams they were Kind’a Krazy, Kind Legends, Kind Krew, Kind Kings and Kind Krushers. In our teams the theme is about making Kindness go viral. You get to camp for 2 sleeps and 3 days. But we did not sleep in our tent at camp on the 2nd day because we got evacuated from the hard wind and storm. Camp happens every year in Term 1.
My 1st favorite activity at camp was Top town the secret name for Top Town is Killer Zone. I liked Top town because it was very interesting. When we got to the ski’s it was very hard sometimes we couldn't keep in time. So we kept on yelling,” Left Right Left Right”. To keep up in time. It was Kind’a Krazys VS Kindonators my team was Kind’a Krazys. We lost but Mr Jacobson said we both won.
My second favorite day was the concert. It was funny all families and whanau’s were welcomed. We all got picked to do songs. Kind’a Krazys song was Can’t touch this but we sneaked in two more songs to make it COOL!. At last we came 3rd for best dancing.
Camp was such a exciting experience. I highly recommend that you should go camp because it is fun and exciting. I think of camp that it is very very fun. Because it gives me new funny happy memory’s.
Task Description: This is my writing about my camp experience. Camp was very fun I highly recomend for you to come camp. Hope you enjoy!
Amelia Rangitoto Postcard
Walt: synthesise information from across multiple texts.
Task Description: This is my Rangitoto Postcard. As you can see I have sended this post card to Mr Goodwin if there will be any concerts about volcanic explosion. There is also a picture of Rangitoto that I've drew on hyperstudio. Hope you enjoy.
Task Description: This is my Rangitoto Postcard. As you can see I have sended this post card to Mr Goodwin if there will be any concerts about volcanic explosion. There is also a picture of Rangitoto that I've drew on hyperstudio. Hope you enjoy.
Mr Goodwin,
Pt England,
Reading 2016,
Year 5
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