Amelia EXT Animation from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Task Description: Today I had to finish off my animation from Term 3. As you guys all know last term the school theme was about Guardians of The Galaxy. We had to create an animation about earth being polluted and people can no longer live there. Now people rely on two trained astronauts to go outa space and search for a mew planet. Then I added my extension animation as a part 2 and how people have adapted to live on there new planet!
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Friday, 20 October 2017
Holiday Blogging Award!
Kia Ora Blog Viewers! This is a late update but I'm just gonna tell you anyways! Yesterday in our Team 4 assembly we were handing out holiday blogging awards. If you visited my blog in the holidays you would've seen blog-posts of me participating in the Team 4 Holiday Blogging Challenge. It was a great blogging challenge I got to create my own shoes, do origami and even clean the house! Back to the awards! We had a special person hand our little bags and it was Mrs Burt! Mrs Burt is like the mother of the school blogging challenge, so one of our teachers hooked her up to come and hand out the prizes. Prizes were given for: The Most Posts, Audience Appeal, Entertaining the Burt's (Mr and Mrs Burt), Quality of Posts and last but not least for going the extra mile. I was given my prize for the Quality of my Posts. I stood up proudly as my friends cheered me on!Overall it was a great morning we even took a photo with the beautiful Mrs Burt. STAY TUNED 4 MORE BLOG POSTS GUYS!!!!!!!! BTW: THANK YOU MR GOODWIN FOR THE CHALLENGE!
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Musical Madness!
Walt: use adjectives to improve our descriptive writing.
Have you ever seen your teacher sing before? Well today at our school Immersion Assembly, lot’s of music was happening in the hall! I’m looking forward to how the term is going to be!
This term our school topic is based on Music, and it is called Musical Madness! Team 1,2 and 3 was all about how music changes our feelings and how different beats can make up one song. Team 5’s crazy act was all about different beats to music! The Assembly was hilarious but my all time favorite act was Team 3’s little movie they made a mini Songs in Real Life video. It was an incredible video that made me laugh the till the end.
Finally it was Team 4’s turn! Team 4’s movie was a little car pool party! All the teachers from Team 4 were having fun singing in the car enjoying the music (but some of the music was boring because they were old school). The little movie was like a commercial for our school music. It was kind of like the commercial’s that Apple does for there music. This Term our Team is looking at making our own music, and even making instruments!
Since the Term is all about music I am dying to learn to play the Guitar! I also want to learn to play the drums and I think our Team Leader Mr Somerville will teach us because he is fantastic at playing the drums! Those are the instruments that I want to play but I’m also hoping to learn to play the piano along with other instruments too.
Overall I think that the Term will be awesome! I love music and I’m sure other people in the school do. I think that school and music goes together because her in Pt England we make up songs and sing to other songs too! In fact we already got school song already up called Musical Madness! I think that Term 4 will be great!
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Holiday Blogging - Bullying - STOP NOW!!
Walt: Spread an Important message.
Task Description: Today me and Leilani made a presentation on Bullying. We were just watching a video about bullying and something just clicked! Leilani asked me if I wanted to do a presentation about bullying so I said sure. We decided to make make this presentation to stop the bullying. There are still lot's of people in our world who are getting bullied. Some have committed suicide because of bullying, and losing loved because of that is really sad. I also want to spread this message because I have been bullied too through email. So remember to STOP BULLYING AND STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!
Be Sure To Visit Leilani's Blog!
Task Description: Today me and Leilani made a presentation on Bullying. We were just watching a video about bullying and something just clicked! Leilani asked me if I wanted to do a presentation about bullying so I said sure. We decided to make make this presentation to stop the bullying. There are still lot's of people in our world who are getting bullied. Some have committed suicide because of bullying, and losing loved because of that is really sad. I also want to spread this message because I have been bullied too through email. So remember to STOP BULLYING AND STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!
Be Sure To Visit Leilani's Blog!
Holiday Blogging,
Pt England school,
Year 6
Holiday Blogging - Descriptive Writing!
Walt: Write Descriptively.
Task Description: Today I created my own presentation all about Descriptive Writing. I got this idea from school as we would do Ailen Descriptions, Monster Descriptions and more! I did a mix of Character Descriptions and Setting Descriptions. I picked out four images from google and wrote a Description about each one. I did one about an Ailen, Shark, Beach and a Spooky Haunted House. I really enjoyed this task because I got to think very hard and think about detail in my writing. I hope to do this next holiday's because I think that it will improve my writing!
Task Description: Today I created my own presentation all about Descriptive Writing. I got this idea from school as we would do Ailen Descriptions, Monster Descriptions and more! I did a mix of Character Descriptions and Setting Descriptions. I picked out four images from google and wrote a Description about each one. I did one about an Ailen, Shark, Beach and a Spooky Haunted House. I really enjoyed this task because I got to think very hard and think about detail in my writing. I hope to do this next holiday's because I think that it will improve my writing!
Thursday, 12 October 2017
Holiday Blogging - Making my own Beat (Task 8)
Walt: Share our creations.
Today task is all about creating our own beat! I created my own beat. If you would like to hear the beat just click the image above this writing! I have created a beat using a site called It is an amazing site that helps you create your beat. It's kinda like acapella. I have created cool beat using beats, effects melodies and voices. I chose this beat because it has pretty simple. My brother also enjoyed the beat and was amazed. Remember to stay tuned for more blog-posts!

Listen to my beat here!
Today task is all about creating our own beat! I created my own beat. If you would like to hear the beat just click the image above this writing! I have created a beat using a site called It is an amazing site that helps you create your beat. It's kinda like acapella. I have created cool beat using beats, effects melodies and voices. I chose this beat because it has pretty simple. My brother also enjoyed the beat and was amazed. Remember to stay tuned for more blog-posts!
Holiday Blogging - How To Make Your Own Shoes! (Extra Task)
Walt: Provide step by step information.
Task Description: For this Extra Task we had to make a presentation on How To Make Your Own Shoes! Just simply follow the steps that I have written down. I am not quite sure what the name of the site was where I created my shoes but I think it was the The Nike Shop. I hope the steps inside the presentation is good! I really enjoyed designing these shoes and that's why I made this presentation so you can try it! Comment down below if you enjoyed it or not. Until then Goodbye!
Task Description: For this Extra Task we had to make a presentation on How To Make Your Own Shoes! Just simply follow the steps that I have written down. I am not quite sure what the name of the site was where I created my shoes but I think it was the The Nike Shop. I hope the steps inside the presentation is good! I really enjoyed designing these shoes and that's why I made this presentation so you can try it! Comment down below if you enjoyed it or not. Until then Goodbye!
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Holiday Blogging - Making my own Shoe! (Task 7)
Walt: Design Shoes.
Task Description: Today's task we got to create out own shoes! We created this using a site I don't know what it's called but you got to try it out! Here's the link. I created my own shoe and it costs 100 dollars! I know right. I really want to buy them but I gotta have to save up money and ask my parents. It was fun creating my shoes. This presentation above shows my shoes in different angles. I thought that the design that I made was pretty cool. I loved the options on the site. This was a fun task!
Task Description: Today's task we got to create out own shoes! We created this using a site I don't know what it's called but you got to try it out! Here's the link. I created my own shoe and it costs 100 dollars! I know right. I really want to buy them but I gotta have to save up money and ask my parents. It was fun creating my shoes. This presentation above shows my shoes in different angles. I thought that the design that I made was pretty cool. I loved the options on the site. This was a fun task!
Holiday Blogging - Flying Paper Planes! (Extra Task)
For the Team 4 Holiday Blogging Challenge yesterday's task was all about Paper Planes! For the Extra task we had to Have a competition with our family playing with the paper planes we have already made and blog about the results! So I decided to grab my brother we can play. These three video's below shows how me and my brother fly the planes! It was pretty fun. Hope you enjoy!
Holiday Blogging - How to make your own Logo! (Extra Task)
Walt: Provide instructions on how to make your own logo.
Task Description: For today's Extra Task for the Team 4 Holiday Blogging Challenge I have made a How to make your own logo! We have been doing a lot of How to things so I find these tasks very easy! I made a google presentation and provided steps on how to make your own logo. I also used my own images I made and I placed it beside each instruction. I wrote almost a paragraph on each step and I tried to make it clear so readers can understand and have a go on making a logo! I hope you enjoyed the presentation and try make a logo using these steps. Comment down below if there helpful. Stay tuned for more Blog-posts! BYE.
Task Description: For today's Extra Task for the Team 4 Holiday Blogging Challenge I have made a How to make your own logo! We have been doing a lot of How to things so I find these tasks very easy! I made a google presentation and provided steps on how to make your own logo. I also used my own images I made and I placed it beside each instruction. I wrote almost a paragraph on each step and I tried to make it clear so readers can understand and have a go on making a logo! I hope you enjoyed the presentation and try make a logo using these steps. Comment down below if there helpful. Stay tuned for more Blog-posts! BYE.
Saturday, 7 October 2017
Holiday Blogging - Team 4 Logo (Task 5)
Walt: Create a logo
This is my logo I have designed for the Team 4 Holiday Blogging Challenge! I've decided to keep the logo nice and simple, instead of crazy colours everywhere! For the font I just kept it red because it is the colour of our school. As you can see I have put the word Team 4 Holiday Blogging. Below it I have added Learn, Create and Share! I have put that there because it explains what we do in the blogging challenge. For Example: We learn new things in the holiday's and reading articles. Create means us kids creating presentations and fun things like this task how we are creating a logo. The last word Share is all about sharing our creativity and learning that we have done to the whole world! I've also I have also included four images is spice it up a little bit so it's not just boring plain! I think that this is a good logo for the Team 4 Blogging Challenge because it's nice and simple. It also is very easy to read represents team 4 and the school also very well! I think that this will be a great logo for the Team 4 Holiday Blogging challenge!!
Task Description: Today for Task 5 of Team 4 Holiday Blogging we are creating a logo for the Team 4 Holiday Blogging Challenge. We are doing this task because the Team 4 Holiday Blogging Challenge NEEDS a LOGO! If we have a logo then we can have badges on our blogs. If the Teachers like our design then they might actually turn them into a actual logo. After making the logo we had to write a description on about the logo and why is it a good one. This is my logo I have created. I hope you like it!
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Holiday Blogging - Stick Figures (Extra Task)
Walt: Create an animation
Task Description: Today's task is all about Stick Figures. This is a extra task from the Team 4 Holiday Blogging Challenge. Our task was to create a animation of a Stick Figure. I decided to make animation of a Stick Figure swimming. I used a site called Toonator to create my animation. I then recorded my animation using Screencastify. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to draw on paper and do digital drawing! This was one of my favorite activity's! Stay tuned for more blog posts like this one.
Task Description: Today's task is all about Stick Figures. This is a extra task from the Team 4 Holiday Blogging Challenge. Our task was to create a animation of a Stick Figure. I decided to make animation of a Stick Figure swimming. I used a site called Toonator to create my animation. I then recorded my animation using Screencastify. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to draw on paper and do digital drawing! This was one of my favorite activity's! Stay tuned for more blog posts like this one.
Holiday Blogging - Stick Figures! (Task 3)
Walt: Draw Stick Figures.
For today's Team 4 blogging challenge we are learning about Stick Figures. A Stick Figure is a very simple drawing of and person and an animal. Stick Figures a five straight lines and four curved lines. So it has a few lines, curves and dots. On this photo above I drew nine Stick figures. I drew some Stick Figures doing Sport, Running, Doing the splits and a few more. One of the tips I used was for the legs. When drawing a Stick Figure you always need to make your legs a little bit longer because it is actually how us humans look like our legs are a little but longer then our body. But don't make it too long all else it will just look weird. Another tip I used was for the face. You can make your face a circle or another shape. But you should use a Oval as your face. Why..Well that's how us humans face looks like an Oval. Those were just some of the tips and tricks I used for the Stick Figures.
Task Description: This is the 3rd task for our Team 4 Holiday Blogging challenge. I had to read a text on Wikipedia about Stick Figures. I then watched a video on how to draw a Stick Figure and tips and tricks on it. I then practiced a little bit on different actions on a Stick Figure. I then drew nine Stick Figures. I also had to share the tips I used to create the Stick Figures so other people can try!
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Holiday Blogging - How to make a Google Form (Extra Task)
Walt: Create a presentation with step by step instructions.
Task Description: Today we did a presentation about How to make a google form. This is one of our extra tasks for the team 4 blogging challenge. We created this presentation for other kids who want to try out Google forms. We created this step by step so you can understand each element. Thanks to Leilani we finally finished our presentation! We hope you try out google forms. Enjoy!
Here’s a link to our blogs: Leilani , Amelia , Lillyana .
Task Description: Today we did a presentation about How to make a google form. This is one of our extra tasks for the team 4 blogging challenge. We created this presentation for other kids who want to try out Google forms. We created this step by step so you can understand each element. Thanks to Leilani we finally finished our presentation! We hope you try out google forms. Enjoy!
Here’s a link to our blogs: Leilani , Amelia , Lillyana .
Holiday Blogging - Survey Task 2
Walt: Create a Google Form
Task Description: Today for Holiday Blogging I am doing a task set by Mr Goodwin. Last time I did Origami. Now I'm doing the next task called Survey. For this task I had to create a google form about anything I want. I decided to collaborate with Lillyana and Leilani. We call our LLA Form and added things about Movies, TV Shows and Food! Here is a link to our form: Link. Enjoy The Form!
Task Description: Today for Holiday Blogging I am doing a task set by Mr Goodwin. Last time I did Origami. Now I'm doing the next task called Survey. For this task I had to create a google form about anything I want. I decided to collaborate with Lillyana and Leilani. We call our LLA Form and added things about Movies, TV Shows and Food! Here is a link to our form: Link. Enjoy The Form!
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