Walt: Solve multiplication problems
Task Description: Here is my problem solving that I have been working on at the moment. Here it was pretty tricky for me to understand but I suddenly got the hang of it, and it became very easy. I am just finishing off work for my teacher which was okay for me because I have spare time. Overall I got the hang of this maths trick and how to solve it. If you don't know how I do this well let me tell you. First I read the problem on the side then write it in my maths book. Then I take a picture of it and then write down on the bottom how I solved it. It's just as simple as that! It's pretty hard to understand but trust me you'll get the hang of it.
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
The Fraud Striped spider!
Walt: make connections across multiple texts
This is my vicious fraud spider and it is called the fraud striped spider. As I said it is vicious. Itβs behavior is over the top when it comes to hunting its prey. So do not give it anger management classes. The fraud spider always goes on shifts because it cares about its prey. It is very fast and kind of scary so
Friday, 24 March 2017
Opinions on Weta's
Walt: Make connections across multiple texts
Task Description: Here is a presentation I made. It talks about other people including myself on the opinions on wetas. This was a really cool task to do because it had included myself on what my opinion was about wetas. I think that in the presentation more people liked wetas then to dislike it.
Task Description: Here is a presentation I made. It talks about other people including myself on the opinions on wetas. This was a really cool task to do because it had included myself on what my opinion was about wetas. I think that in the presentation more people liked wetas then to dislike it.
Mr Goodwin,
Pt England school,
Reading 2017,
Room 7,
Thursday, 23 March 2017
Amelia Bug Descriptions
Walt: Write descriptively.
Task Description: Here is a presentation I made today. Since I have been learning about bugs I have made Bug Descriptions. It talks about the Lady bugs and what they do how they look. I've learnt a lot of things about the Lady Bug and so enjoy the paragraph that I wrote!
Task Description: Here is a presentation I made today. Since I have been learning about bugs I have made Bug Descriptions. It talks about the Lady bugs and what they do how they look. I've learnt a lot of things about the Lady Bug and so enjoy the paragraph that I wrote!
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Amelia - Create you own bug! Lady Bug Stinger
Lady Bug Stinger:
This is my made up insect. It is called Lady Bug stinger! The lady bug stinger is very polite. There just like bee's well kind of. Are you asking why there just like bee's. The Lady bug stinger just like to chill of beautiful bright colored flowers. Like bee's right. If you try to disturb its relaxation time it will totally sting you with its two stingers at the top of its head. So back off! The Lady bug stinger also has a horn as the tip of his bottom. But that's not that bad then the STINGER. In many ways the Lady bug stinger is polite, but do not get on her bad side!
Saturday, 18 March 2017
This is a Dog-day Cicada. Which is part of the extreme family of the Cicada.
Who has heard a Cicada before? Well I am hearing one right now. Sometimes Cicadas can be annoying but there are interesting things about it. So the Cicadas are a SUPER family. You want to know why? Because there is a life cycle of Cicadas. I never thought that there would be a life cycle of a Cicada! One thing I've heard is that the Cicada lives under ground for 17 years! I know. The scientific name for the Cicada is Cicadidae. Very interesting. Did you know that Cicadas spend most of there time sucking xylum to get to the juices. (Xylum are like the veins of trees) So they are definitely tree vampires! Of course they make extreme noises in fact it sounds like a song! Hope you have enjoyed the interesting things about Cicada's.
Friday, 17 March 2017
Amelia Bike Saftey
Walt: Present information in a interesting way.
Who has rode on a and on a awesome bike track before? Well I have. Well you better read more to find out what happens!
So Mr Goodwin chose 5 kids from his Literacy class including me to have a bit of a lesson with our new bike track/Bikes at our school! So we had a little talk then we packed all our gear which was the, Tripod, The camera and the Go pro so as the iPad. Then we walked over to the shed were the bikes were. Well we were walking over to the shed I was holding the iPad so I can look at my reflection. I was so excited.
After that we sat down on the grass and started to have a little talk about things that can help us ride safely. One of the things that I actually did not know was that you have to wear shoes, and yes I mean closed shoes not sandals. One of the other things we talked about was our helmet. Your helmet is there for you to protect your brain, and it's not just there to protect you head from getting your head smash on the ground. It's there to protect your brain from concussions!
After all the bla, bla, bla we finally got to ride on the bike track! But before that we had to just learn a little about the breaks. After that it was the time of my life! I started riding and kind of had a little race with the others. I'm really competitive though. It was really fun!
Overall I really loved the bike track it was really cool. One thing guys make sure that when you are riding a bike leave enough space in the middle so that you don't crash like my friends did! By the way no line got hurt and no one cried but they did giggle a lot of times.
Task Description: Here as you can see I have a double blog post. At the top I have written a recount about riding on the bike track. But what I'm going to talk about mostly is this presentation right here! Can you you see? We I was lucky enough to ride on the new school bike track with the new school bikes. In this presentation I talk about riding safely and at the end I give you little tips. I also used images to show you what I am talking about, and don't worry I have used image attribution on the last slide! Take care and when you ride a bike read my safety presentation!
Who has rode on a and on a awesome bike track before? Well I have. Well you better read more to find out what happens!
So Mr Goodwin chose 5 kids from his Literacy class including me to have a bit of a lesson with our new bike track/Bikes at our school! So we had a little talk then we packed all our gear which was the, Tripod, The camera and the Go pro so as the iPad. Then we walked over to the shed were the bikes were. Well we were walking over to the shed I was holding the iPad so I can look at my reflection. I was so excited.
After that we sat down on the grass and started to have a little talk about things that can help us ride safely. One of the things that I actually did not know was that you have to wear shoes, and yes I mean closed shoes not sandals. One of the other things we talked about was our helmet. Your helmet is there for you to protect your brain, and it's not just there to protect you head from getting your head smash on the ground. It's there to protect your brain from concussions!
After all the bla, bla, bla we finally got to ride on the bike track! But before that we had to just learn a little about the breaks. After that it was the time of my life! I started riding and kind of had a little race with the others. I'm really competitive though. It was really fun!
Overall I really loved the bike track it was really cool. One thing guys make sure that when you are riding a bike leave enough space in the middle so that you don't crash like my friends did! By the way no line got hurt and no one cried but they did giggle a lot of times.
Task Description: Here as you can see I have a double blog post. At the top I have written a recount about riding on the bike track. But what I'm going to talk about mostly is this presentation right here! Can you you see? We I was lucky enough to ride on the new school bike track with the new school bikes. In this presentation I talk about riding safely and at the end I give you little tips. I also used images to show you what I am talking about, and don't worry I have used image attribution on the last slide! Take care and when you ride a bike read my safety presentation!
Ambassador Gifts/Photo's!
You guys know I'm an ambassador ........... Right? Well after a few visitor sessions I have had I actually got some gifts. I did not know that at all! If you want to check out some of the visitor sessions we had take a look at the images below! We had amazing visors who came to our lovely school some of them were even from the United States of America. Crazy huh! Well the gifts I got was a hat from Spark, a water bottle from Spark and one pencil and a pen. I also got a book mark, a note pad and stickers.
2nd session
2nd session
First session
3rd session
Check out this Link for more photo's
Amelia Cinquain Poem
Walt: Write a Cinquain poem
Cinquain poem,
Mrs Stickland,
Room 7,
Term 1,
Year 6
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Amelia Year 5/6 Camp Writing!
Walt: write about our experiences on camp
Task Description: It was a pretty fun experience at camp. Everything was amazing and just cool. So after that fun experience I created a piece writing. One of the most important things we had to write in our writing was our thank you's! So we are not just saying thank you to Mr Burt but we are also saying a big thank you to the security's the people who made the food and more. Camp was a really fun experience!
Have you ever been on a windy camp before ( Well not that windy ) ? The year 5&6βs from team 4 had their 27th annual year 5&6 camp. Crazy huh. Well keep reading for more craziness.
The year 5&6 camp is when all year 5&6βs sleep on the school field for 2 days. The year 5&6 camp was held on Wednesday the 8th of March. My group was called the Generals. I was also a camp leader for my group. At camp it was crazy! There were a lot of activities just to name a few, Top town (Killerzone), Get lost which was a cool game but had a weird name. If you were wondering what Killerzone is. It is where you compete with another team in cool obstacles.
I had a lot of highlights but one of them was the food! Why I chose food was because it was amazing. I went for seconds then wanted a third but the food stopped at seconds. Anyways another highlight at camp was the camp concert! If you donβt know what the camp concert is itβs when all teams come together in the school hall and our whanau come and see what we have been doing. We also have things like dance offβs and challenges. It was so funny!
I would like to thank my teacher who helped me (Mrs Buchanan) who was amazing in guiding us throughout all activities in camp. I would also like to thank my partner as a camp leader Leonardy for helping out the Generals, and a big thank you to the Generals for an amazing camp. I would also like to thank my family for helping come to camp. I would also like to thank Mr Burt but not only him all the families and school teachers this wouldnβt happen without you all!
What I learned at camp is how to work as a team because teamwork makes the dream work! I also learned how to share each otherβs idea and how to stay as one. For each and every student who will participate in the Yr 5&6 camp enjoy stay strong and remember always stay as one!
Task Description: It was a pretty fun experience at camp. Everything was amazing and just cool. So after that fun experience I created a piece writing. One of the most important things we had to write in our writing was our thank you's! So we are not just saying thank you to Mr Burt but we are also saying a big thank you to the security's the people who made the food and more. Camp was a really fun experience!
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Amelia Problem Solving Practice Term 1 Wk 4
Walt: solve decimal subtraction problems.
Task Description: This is another late post. Sorry guys anyways if you would like to read how I worked this out just click on the next slide and it will pop up on how I worked out the main question. So the first one was pretty hard for me because is was like frustrating, but I managed to work it out. After that I published it on my blog right here for all of use to see!
............................ Also check out Naomi/Daisy's blog for more interesting blog posts! Link/Link
Task Description: This is another late post. Sorry guys anyways if you would like to read how I worked this out just click on the next slide and it will pop up on how I worked out the main question. So the first one was pretty hard for me because is was like frustrating, but I managed to work it out. After that I published it on my blog right here for all of use to see!
............................ Also check out Naomi/Daisy's blog for more interesting blog posts! Link/Link
Maths 2017,
Pt England school,
Term 1,
Year 6
Facts about weta's
Walt: Write facts about weta's.
There are quite a lot of facts about weta's. Some people say that they are scary, weird or ugly. Well here are things that I am going to be talking about these mysterious weta's. Did you know that there is a giant weta. Just like this one in the photo. It is one of the biggest insects on the earth. Another interesting fact about the is that is the the heaviest reported insect. The last fact is really crazy so read carefully. Did you know that the weta comes from the Maori word wetapunga, and wetapunga is another word for the god of ugly things!
Hopefully you enjoyed this piece about weta's. Which one surprised you?
Amelia Problem Solving Practice Term 1 Wk 1
Walt: follow instructions and present work to a high standard.
Task Description: Sorry guy's this is a late maths blog post. I have been very behind in maths lately so here we go! So today but I mean like weeks ago Mr Goodwin decided that we should get back into learning after like that big holiday. So we started with getting back into learning by using the tens and ones method. So here as you can see I had to start by writing how we solved the problem in our maths books. Then we had to write it down on our Chromebooks to show how we did it.
Task Description: Sorry guy's this is a late maths blog post. I have been very behind in maths lately so here we go! So today but I mean like weeks ago Mr Goodwin decided that we should get back into learning after like that big holiday. So we started with getting back into learning by using the tens and ones method. So here as you can see I had to start by writing how we solved the problem in our maths books. Then we had to write it down on our Chromebooks to show how we did it.
Monday, 6 March 2017
Thought's about Yr 5&6 camp!
Walt: Write about your thoughts of camp.
I'm am so excited to be going to the Yr 5&6 camp. Unfortunately it's going to be my last year going to the year 5&6 camp which is a bit of a bummer. But unless there is going to be a another camp. Can't wait for camp!
The things that I'm going to be looking forward to at camp is one of our games which is the KILLER ZONE! Another name for it is top town. Killer zone is a game where you have a whole lot of obstacles and you have to try and finish that obstacle before the other team does.
What I'm hoping for at camp is the yummy food. Last year I ate all my food up which is not what I would usually do but then I did! Another thing I am hoping for is my partner in camp. At the we do not know who are our partners well we are in our tents sleeping. So hopefully it's what I hope for.
I'm nervous about anything in camp. I've already have had the experience and so I'm hardly nervous for anything at camp!
Task Description: We had to write about our thought of camp. The main things that our thoughts had to be about was what we are looking forward, what we are hoping for and what we are nervous about. Hope you enjoy it!
Camp Last year
I'm am so excited to be going to the Yr 5&6 camp. Unfortunately it's going to be my last year going to the year 5&6 camp which is a bit of a bummer. But unless there is going to be a another camp. Can't wait for camp!
The things that I'm going to be looking forward to at camp is one of our games which is the KILLER ZONE! Another name for it is top town. Killer zone is a game where you have a whole lot of obstacles and you have to try and finish that obstacle before the other team does.
What I'm hoping for at camp is the yummy food. Last year I ate all my food up which is not what I would usually do but then I did! Another thing I am hoping for is my partner in camp. At the we do not know who are our partners well we are in our tents sleeping. So hopefully it's what I hope for.
I'm nervous about anything in camp. I've already have had the experience and so I'm hardly nervous for anything at camp!
Task Description: We had to write about our thought of camp. The main things that our thoughts had to be about was what we are looking forward, what we are hoping for and what we are nervous about. Hope you enjoy it!
Pt England school,
Term 1,
Year 5 & 6 camp,
Year 6
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Native Birds in Tamaki!
Walt: write persuasively.
Do you think that NZ should have more native birds in our areaβs? Well I totally think YES. If you would like to know more why we NEED more native birds in our area keep on reading!
I think instead of just needing more birds in Tamaki I think we should get the ones that has not been seen that much in Tamaki like the Kiwi! We need more Kiwiβs in Tamaki because Iβve actually never ever in my life seen a Kiwi even though it is native to NZ. I bet if I would walk around a NZ creek in Tamaki I would not see a single Kiwi. So we should just focus but not to hard to keep the Kiwi in all areaβs in NZ.
I think NZ should have more Mohua which is known as the yellow head. I heard that this bird is only located in the South island and Stewart island. I would love to see more Mohua in Tamaki because it is a cute little bird and itβs feathers are beautiful! I think if I would love to see a Mohua in real life Iβm going to have to go to the South island.
I totally think that Tamaki should have less Magpieβs because it is one of the worst birds ever to me. One of the reasons why Magpieβs should not be in NZ because it has huge attacks of people, and I would not want children in our Tamaki area to get hurt. So we should totally have less Magpieβs in Tamaki.
Having more of my two birds in the Tamaki area would be great. If the two birds actually somehow end up in Tamaki GREAT! Just make sure to watch out if you see any Magpieβs!
Task Description: Today was a fun day learning about Native and Non-Native birds in New Zealand. Here I talk about the birds we need in Tamaki and the birds that should not be in our Tamaki area. This also relates to our topic which is Te Taiao o Tamaki!
Do you think that NZ should have more native birds in our areaβs? Well I totally think YES. If you would like to know more why we NEED more native birds in our area keep on reading!
I think instead of just needing more birds in Tamaki I think we should get the ones that has not been seen that much in Tamaki like the Kiwi! We need more Kiwiβs in Tamaki because Iβve actually never ever in my life seen a Kiwi even though it is native to NZ. I bet if I would walk around a NZ creek in Tamaki I would not see a single Kiwi. So we should just focus but not to hard to keep the Kiwi in all areaβs in NZ.
I think NZ should have more Mohua which is known as the yellow head. I heard that this bird is only located in the South island and Stewart island. I would love to see more Mohua in Tamaki because it is a cute little bird and itβs feathers are beautiful! I think if I would love to see a Mohua in real life Iβm going to have to go to the South island.
I totally think that Tamaki should have less Magpieβs because it is one of the worst birds ever to me. One of the reasons why Magpieβs should not be in NZ because it has huge attacks of people, and I would not want children in our Tamaki area to get hurt. So we should totally have less Magpieβs in Tamaki.
Having more of my two birds in the Tamaki area would be great. If the two birds actually somehow end up in Tamaki GREAT! Just make sure to watch out if you see any Magpieβs!
Task Description: Today was a fun day learning about Native and Non-Native birds in New Zealand. Here I talk about the birds we need in Tamaki and the birds that should not be in our Tamaki area. This also relates to our topic which is Te Taiao o Tamaki!
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