Day 5: Blink and You’ll Miss It
(Dear helpers of SLJ I am sorry that I haven't been posting some blog-posts I've just been quite busy these holidays. Just to let you know I will not be blogging on Sundays because I got church and other things I need to be at. Thank for taking you time to read my blog-posts though! Cheers, Amelia.)
Activity 1: Towering Timbers
Sharing my opinion towards logging

To be very honest I don’t know whether we should even ban logging or not. The usual answer would be “yes!” we shall band logging. But, the more I think about it’s actually very hard for me to find an exact answer about this problem. Therefore I have decided to write two reasons why logging should be banned and another two talking about why we shouldn’t band logging.
Why we shouldn’t ban logging:
1. Even if we don’t band logging there is still going to be benefits about it. For those who think logging should be illegal look at the house you are living in than ask yourself “Should we actually be banding logging?”. If you knew it or not tree’s help design the things that are around you. For example Your house, the medicine you’re taking when you're sick, The newspaper and a whole lot of other useful items.
2. Logging is a hard job that you have to put a lot of effort into that is provided to us people. When people think about banning logging they forget that people have a job as a logger. As a result, It’s actually not fair to just take the employees jobs away from them because it’s not that easy to find a new job and you never know if they are struggling with money.
Why we should ban logging:
1. There are many consequences when it comes to logging. Believe it or not if there were completely no trees in the world we probably wouldn’t survive at all. Why you say so? Because trees produce many resources to keep us alive and the world safe. For example, Trees provide healthy food like nuts and fruits especially apples, pears, peaches and cherries. Trees also supply air, soil and water depending on what role the trees play
2. Secondly we should ban logging the reason for this is that when loggers do there job they create these huge patches. Most of the time these patches get ruled over by manufactures who design different gadgets from factories. Adding on to that, yes factories do help create stuff but, the bad side to it is that it creates air pollution which introduces poison or fumes to earth's atmosphere in a way that makes it harmful to humans.
Activity 2: Living on the edge
Writing a letter to Makayla
For this task we learnt about a place called Tundra. Our task was to write a letter to anyone we want then gather all the information about what we've learnt and put it in a formation of a letter. I found this task very easy because I found very interesting information about Tundra.
Activity 3: Going, Going….gone
Life In Aotearoa