Thursday 3 October 2019


Term 3 was one of the most pact, fun and craziest ever! Many things happened that I never got a chance to share with you all on my blog. I myself was very, very busy to the point where I had a breakdown. OK TOO MUCH INFORMATION!! This blog-post is just a little revision of term 3 from my perspective. Enjoy!

Term 3's immersion assembly was an awesome introduction. We got to eat a variety of seafood that were live cooked. All the prefects had to be the "waiters" to the school and give them out to people that were in a good manner. It was pretty hectic, but the food was amazing. We each got to know about our team will be learning about this term through presentations. Team 5 (my team) announced through a song that we will be learning about the cell and how all living organisms are connected. I was surprised by the topic as it's something new coming from the school! But what I didn't know what we all didn't know this topic was about to hit us right in the face. OOOF!

We all started from the basics of the basics and we were all to make a copy of an presentation called Tracking my learning which will be our presentation throughout the whole term. We were also given transcripts written by our scientists working along with us during this topic. The transcripts were an helpful guide for us and we would have to take notes. Once we learned about the topic we would put all the things inside the tracking my learning slides and also answer questions.

Room 4 also ended up getting a class pet! Mrs Stone received some aqua dragons for her birthday and she decided to make it a class pet. Aqua dragons are a live aquatic creatures. They adapt in water, light and temperature. The class tried to care as much as they could for the tiny creatures but unfortunately someone tipped the tank and a lot of them died which left us with a small amount. We were very sad, so we tried to take care of the left over ones but to no avail. We realised that they were all dead :( R.I.P AQUA DRAGONS 2019 - 2019.

The production was also a great hit this term! Mr Jacobsen announced that there will be a school production called The Toy Shop on ZipZap avenue! A lot of people auditioned but I didn't. I decided to finish off my work after realising how much time the production would take from my learning. The production was good! The actors, dancers were great but, I'd really like to acknowledge the lightnings and technician crew, they were an awesome asset :)

This is all my memory can recover from last term (sorry if you wanted more). It was so pact!! If anything else does pop into my head I'll be sure to make a blog-post about it. This may not look as crazy, tiring and pact, but if you were in my position.....YOU WOULD HATE IT! Thanks for reading this blog post and stay tuned for more :)

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