Thursday 5 January 2017

Holiday Blogging - Summer Learning Journey Bonus Activity

Bonus Activity
Choose a family member and conduct a short interview. In the interview ask them five questions about themselves.
I interviewed my mum and here were her answers:
  1. What is your name? Meliame
  2. Where were you born? Tonga
  3. How many siblings do you have? 1
  4. What is your favorite thing about living in New Zealand? Nice people, fresh air, close to my homeland.
  5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? I'd like to go to Rarotonga because Most people say that it's peaceful, it's very clean and beautiful, and it has beautiful beaches and lot's more!
Post the answers on your blog.

Here is a snapshot that my dad took when he went Rarotonga:


  1. That is a pretty great interview there, Amelia. It makes me want to visit Rarotonga too. I think I will visit the Islands this year because I am teaching in a school with lots of different people from the pacific and I want to know their home lands. I wonder how many islands I could get to. Which ones do you think I should visit?

    I know I am still saying it all the time, but keep up the great work!


  2. Hi Amelia,

    This is a lovely interview with your mom. Like Mark, I think that I may also try to visit the Pacific Islands this year. I had the opportunity to go to Tonga two years ago(2015) and I loved it! I stayed in Kanokupolu and had a wonderful time swimming, going for walks and watching the Rugby World Cup at the home of a local family. They kindly invited my partner (Andy) and I to come over and watch a few games with them. It was so much fun!

    One day I would like to get to Samoa and to Fiji. I am trying to convince my family to come with me but they are a bit hesitant. I think that I will just show them the beautiful picture that you posted on your blog and it will convince them to change their minds. It looks so picturesque!

    Great work with your blogging, Amelia :)

